Industry Health and Safety Standards

Health and Safety Executive (HSE) – Change in Standards for Healthier Workplace Air


If you are an employer, contractor or worker who undertakes welding activities (including mild steel) in any industry, you should ensure compliance with the new standards.

Why Have the Standards Changed & What Does it Mean?

Change in Enforcement Expectations for Mild Steel Welding Fume:


There is new scientific evidence from the International Agency for Research on Cancer that exposure to mild steel welding fume can cause lung cancer and possibly kidney cancer in humans.


The Workplace Health Expert Committee has endorsed the reclassification of mild steel welding fume as a human carcinogen.

Consequences for Employers:


With immediate effect, there is a strengthening of HSE’s enforcement expectation for all welding fume, including mild steel welding; because general ventilation does not achieve the necessary control.

Ensure Your Workplace is Compliant


Fume & Dust Extraction Solutions


Every welder deserves to work in a clean environment, and we are committed to raising the working standards in the industry.


As such we are distributors of Translas fume extraction systems.


Translas innovate welding systems for clean air, providing ready to use, plug and play systems for the extraction and filtration of fumes which come from welding processes. This includes micro dust, vapors and odors.

On Site Demonstration


We provide on site demos of Translas products, so that you can find out more about how upgrading can benefit you. From working environment, to efficiency and cost saving. Just get in touch to find out more or to arrange your on site demo.

Supply & Installation


As a trusted Translas distributer, we supply and install Translas equipment. Contact us to find out more about available products and equipment.

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